Wednesday 6 June 2012

Michael Norris


All studio-work has gone well, after a long and tiring (on the ears) session last night, I am currently taking a break from mixing.

Yesterday my friend (and housemate) came down to put guitar and violin on a few tracks, they are sounding positively apocalyptic - with more than a hint of 'New Age'. The record is already sounding more pastoral than the last and has a much greater emphasis on analogue sounds, which is defiantly a good move. I'm excited and looking forward to being able to share some of this with you.

Before I leave, to anyone creating ambient music, or mood music of any sort - I'd like to recommend Michael Norris' spectral plug-ins, I have been using some of these fairly heavily to blur sound-sources and generally make everything sound more 'ghostly',  Norris has a plethora of granulisers, filters, pitch-shifters, gates etc... all of them impressive, if that wasn't recommendation enough - the whole suite is free to download. Follow the link, enjoy.

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